From map, use "z" to toggle track list panel.
Place mouse on track, left-click while "q" depressed
Click desired affiliation (Frd, Hst, Neu, Unk) button
Highlight selected track to see details
Contents tab, then Clear All Tracks
Path- and Envelope-finding
Confirm that map contains road vector information
Open Path tab panel
Click Set Start Location button
Go to map, hold down "q" over desired location, left click
Click Set End Location button
Go to map, hold down "q" over desired location, left click
Click Find Path
To remove, use Clear Path
Confirm that map contains road vector information
Open Envelope tab panel
Click Set Location button
Go to map, hold down "q" over desired location, left click
Select Range (time) and Avg Spd (speed)
Click Find Envelope
To remove, click Clear Envelope
Path- and Envelope-finding
Fly Mode (moves the camera viewpoint)
- Forward "w" or wheel d-click or mouse forward, right button
- Backward "s" or mouse backward, right button depressed
- Left (left strafe) "a" or mouse right, right button depressed
- Right (right strafe) "d" or mouse left, right button depressed
- Move faster space bar + any Fly Mode movement command
- Move even faster "c" + any Fly Mode movement command
- Move fastest "v" + "c" + any Fly Mode movement command
- Pitch up mouse forward, left button depressed
- Pitch down mouse backward, left button depressed
- Yaw left mouse left, left button depressed
- Yaw right mouse right, left button depressed
- Altitude up mouse wheel backward (not depressed)
- Altitude down mouse wheel forward (not depressed)
- Full Map (start over) click Full button in camera pane
- Double click any mouse button Zoom in fixed %
- Pitch down mouse forward, left button depressed
- Pitch up mouse backward, left button depressed
- Yaw left mouse left, left button depressed
- Yaw right mouse right, left button depressed
- Map up mouse forward, right button depressed
- Map down mouse backward, right button depressed
- Map left mouse left, right button depressed
- Map right mouse right, right button depressed
- Map forward wheel double click
Cursor-on-Target Mission Runner
Purpose Generate time-sequenced CoT messages from XML into TTAPS scene
- Click Load Mission. Browse to CoT XML file. Open.
- Ensure TTAPS is also launched.
- Set clock multiplier via X10 button (optional)
- Click Run to start, Stop to Pause, Reset button to start over.
- TTAPS scene will incrementally fill scene with entities.
Cursor-on-Target Mission Runner
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